Monday, November 20, 2006

O lvl After math.

Finally... Its over... secondary school life has reached its end and we are done with the curtain call. Well, now its up to me to decide how to spend my months waiting for results. A : play and play and play, be a slacker... enjoy life at home and go out play somemore BUT pocket will be really tight... cause unlike most people.. i only recieve allowence when my parents FEEL that i need it. B : Get a job, work all day, enjoy pay cheques at the end of the month BUT no social life. C : Become a monk. Live in a temple. Free food, free lodge. Thats about that, the "BUT" factor is too long and too much to be said out. If you were me what would u choose?

Doing drugs can wind you up in rehab for a long long time.... But there are many kinds of prisons. This is a cup of corn. It looks normal? no. It has EXTRA SALT AND BUTTER! when you eat the first mouthful u wont stop. The worst part is you wont be full, you will buy more and all the exta salt and butter will add a bunch of calories to you and than you DIE!

I watched casino royale! Its cool! so i watched it a second time! When you watch it, note the part where Eva Green makes her entry into the beginning of the show. She rides a white horse in a bikini with ebony children running behind her. Not that its wrong or anything, but the point it, its a little overdone dont you think? I mean, if you really want a flashy entry try something original like coming in from the ocean while riding a couple of dolphines with her feet strapped to their backs.

Im jealous of him! HE GETS TO FEEL EVA GREEN'S BOOBS! 3 times!!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Da DoTA song!

Wow finally a song for DoTA! I would have been jumping around like a mad guy if only they had cooler scenes though. Nevermind! Im sure in time to come.. someone would come out with a remix. I hope this time the girls in the video are ACTUALLY related to the MTV. One small step for DoTA......

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Commentos !i!

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About a few months ago, i posted a lost and found ad ? about my lost art piece? Well.... Ive been thinking about it.... and i decided to forgive the PE T-shirt thief. I can understand, yuo just a lonley man who wants some classy art... or your just plain queer... But i dont give a shit! Cause i have a new masterpiece! Now this is what u call a Pimped up PE- T !!!!!!!

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Worth more than you ever know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This thursday, Singapore welcomes the president of the united states George bush. Not that i really care.. but can u spare a thought and take with you my american butt licking friend... He would love so much as to shorten his life by 5 years just to be american.

Have you guys ever strolled down penisula plaza on saturdays? well if you do, you will find a whole lot of malays wearing tight jeans..... some shrunken sized shirt (well not like they dont always wear like this..), pierced all over their face and wear everything in black from their puny cap to their eye liner. And what do they do? walk aimlessly around the whole area.. stare at you when you look at them... sit on the side walk and smoke... and they call themselves GOTH. Such wannabes... seriously la... people who take what ever little shit they know, call it their CULTURE, and get so defensive over it. To whom im refering to.. no offense, no racism, BUT YOU PEOPLE GIVE ASIAN GOTHS A BAD NAME! YOU MAKE GOTHS LOOK UN-COOL. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Click to enlarge pic. You wont be able to see anything if u dont.
Picture showing 2 Adults and 2 children and an animal. Describe the picture in detail. Creative thinking.
(answers like my wife and future kids dont count. Its plain obvious and redundent to even mention it. So answer smartly.)

Thursday, November 09, 2006


FUCK YOU! hahahahaha! I did the most stupid thing in my life today. Going around town with a bunch of friends repeatedly shouting the words FUCK YOU. We must be the coolest drunkards ever! you should have seen us! Actually this all started because of this guy (below). Its a long story how it begain but you can use your imagination........

Anyone is free to join the FUCK YOU ! CLUB . Just leave FUCK YOU! in my tag board if you want to. :)

Recently, i bought the DVD of the movie " V is for vendetta" and OMG! Its so damn cool! Revolution never seemed so cool! It was worth every cent spent and i dont mind watching it over and over again.

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Voila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanquished.

However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition.

The only verdict is vengence, a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain. for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous.

Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose.

Beauty of the english language...... sadly i didnt write this.....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

: ) bored

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lim kopi
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Killing L
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L died
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