Sunday, January 07, 2007

Fun at Palawan!

Yesterday was my 1st SBM NOOB orientaion at Sentosa Palawan beach! It was Fun! This is how u spell a weekend! Physical activities! woot! Going to the beach, cycling, kayaking, swimming. Shopping is fun too ofcourse but realllly drains the wallet fast....

Mass punishment.

Our SBM group photo. Sadly im abit too far away to be seen properly.

Than i woke up this morning. And when i opened my eyes, i said "hello old friend! welcome back!" You all probably dont know what im talking about. Well... its my dragon scales ofcourse! haha! Those that i aquired during my days as a life guard. Naturally, what happens is your feet will begain to crack up often due to the intense heat on the ground. Ya la, definately not dragon scales, but im just looking at it in a nice way :D so apparently the outing to sentosa has led to the rebirth to my "dragon scales but who cares! Im happy! its not like the first bad thing that happened to my foot! haha!

Really short post today. Feeling ice cream!

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