Monday, September 11, 2006

I dont understand why superman comic strips were so popular last time!!!

This was a comic strip that was extracted from the comic book " super friends!". Firstly this is why i seldom read retro comic strips. disregarding the quality. Just look at the context. Isn't it so damn lame! OK, for the benefit of those who never ever watched cartoons or read a comic strip, superman has super strength, invulnarablity heat vision, x ray vision and can fly. In this segment, he is being ambushed by a boy. The boy takes a ready made lead mask and covers supermans face. Now, lets just say MAYBE the boy already prepared a lead mask for superman to blind him. But i dont see why superman is struggling! Is it even troublesome for him to get rid of the mask???? So what if he cant see through lead. He has hands for god sake! with super strength to add on! i dont see why he couldnt just rip it off his face! Or, he could have just used his heat vision right? his heat vision couldnt be that lousy it cant even melt lead. If so, it should be called slightly warm vision. Lastly. This also shows how stupid super heros sound when they think aloud. I think the comic would have been better if superman would just say things like " FU CK YOU! You little piece of shit!" or just make up an excuse once in awhile. He really sounds like a NERD. I guess the artist who drew this series of superman forgot to add a fundimental thing into the comic. An average size brain.

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