Friday, September 15, 2006

Test of Intelligence No. 2 !

Pic A
Pic B

News Flash! Ive cut my hair, and its as short as a certain somebody, but i just want to make it clear that i did not step him! Only cut this hair stye becase the hair dresser (brain washer) was so good at making me feel good about myself and telling me that how straight my hair was and why i should cut it that way. Damn! i actually wanted to do a post on something really cool you know? But i couldnt upload the bloody image! Looking into the matter, so to all my loyal fans, heres a filler? Test of intelligence No. 2!!! Backed by popular demand!

There are differences in the two pictures above. Besides the obvious fact that in pic B the cat is licking it's genitals and theres a white car, spot the other differences in the picture. There ARE differences! Think both in and out of the box. Trust me, there are more differences than you think.... Answers will be out in the next update of! Enjoy!

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