Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Above, u are witnessing Hanpei's verson of "Picasso".

Today i realised something.. i finally found out how geniuses get their inperations from to create such works of art... All of them probaby were like me! Was lazing around and had nothing better to do, therefore.. started creating masterpieces!
I understand the picture is sketchy and lack the rendering. But what do u expect? I did it in ten minutes with nothing but a pilot 1.0 tip ball point pen and a piece of full scape paper! Not all works of art has to be done on canvas or in bronze right? if so... why did cave man drew on the walls??? To parents, if your kid does that, he is a born artist! Punishing him and discouraging him will only put his artistic career at risk! Wonder why there are so few brillant artists in the world? blame it on you guys!
Anyway, this picture portrays someone whom is hopeless in chasing girls. Not sad, but depressed. With a dark cloud hanging over his head and the warped world which is the cruel reality. Fancy coming up with all that in just one maths period eh? haha! enjoy.

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